Friday, April 10, 2015


Guess what? I beat Kirby's Dream Land.

Easy, right? Well, I beat it without getting a game over. But there's more. That was about 6 months ago. And now, wait for me to blow your mind. I beat Kirby's Dream Land without dying even once, and beat Green Greens and Castle Lololo without getting hurt.

If you thought that was mind blowing, I got a baby sister a month ago. Her name is Samantha, and once she can focus on stuff, I'm going to teach her all about Super Mario. At least I'm going to try, anyway. 

On a side note, I got to the second-to-last level in Paper Mario: Sticker Star. I ran really low on stickers and coins, so I had to restart. I got to World 2-4, however.

On another side note, we have to do a big project for English. We have to come up with a pretend charity and write all about it. And I mean all about it. The proposal is due Monday, and I've only finished the introduction. There are only three more slides anyway, and tomorrow is Saturday, so it's not too big of a deal. But just because I'm a gamer doesn't mean I can slack on school.