Super Mario Bros.

1. Goombas were never intended to be in Super Mario Bros. They realized that the Koopa Troopa was too tricky of an enemy to be introduced as the first one. Since there was hardly any remaining memory on the cartridge, they just made one walking animation and flipped it over so it would look like the Goomba was walking.

2. Bowser's wrist bands are invisible in this game. The Nintendo Entertainment System could only handle 3 colors on any given sprite, if transparency wasn't counted, so they made Bowser's wrist bands transparent on the black castle background to make it look like his wrist bands were black.

3. Super Mario Bros. was originally a shooting game in the beta version. It was also screen-by-screen instead of side scrolling. They realized they should focus more on jumping and less on shooting, so the idea was scrapped. (Good thinking, Nintendo.)

Super Mario Bros. 2

1. This game was just a tweaked version of another one. The whole thing was made because Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels was stated to be not only too hard for the average player, but also too similar to the original. They based the game off of this game called Yume Kojo: Doki Doki Panic, which means "Dream Factory: Heart Pounding Panic." They just converted the main characters into Mario, Luigi, Princes Peach, and Toad. ("Doki doki" is the Japanese onomatopoeia for a beating heart.)

2. You can stand on Pokeys for some reason. Pokeys are covered in spikes, so it would stand to reason that the only real way to defeat one would be to throw an enemy (such as a Cobrat) at it. Wrong. From what I know, there are only four enemies that can't be stood on: Spark, Phanto, Panser, and Porcupo. Pokey can be stood on. To make things weirder, when you pick up and throw a Pokey's head away, the next segment turns into the head for the shorter Pokey. This also applies in Super Mario World, where if Yoshi eats the Pokey's head, the next segment also turns into a head.

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