My name is Brandon, and I like video games. I am 14 years old, and I'm in 8th grade. I started this blog the summer of 2013 because it just popped into my head. 

I like to read and do other stuff, too. Some of my favorite book series are Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Big Nate, and Timmy Failure. I like to play computer games and draw pictures on Paint. My favorite TV show is Teen Titans Go. I like to jump on the trampoline. Sometimes, I like to make things with magnets. I like space and chemistry and think it would be cool to be a scientist when I grow up. My favorite color is red. I like pretzles, hot dogs, hamburgers and french fries from McDonald's. I like to hang out with my brothers and my sisters. I like hanging out with my cousins, having backyard campouts with my cousin, Trey, and having grandma days. I'm a Boy Scout with my Life Rank. I'm working on my Eagle. I'm also a Mormon.

Me and my sister Kayla at her orchestra concert, me playing computer, me with my cousins at a park, me jumping on the trampoline, two of my favorite book series, me eating one of my favorite snacks, me and my big brother Chase, me earning a Boy Scout Award, and me with my cousin Trey having a backyard campout.

My sister Kayla, brother Jay, step-dad Sean, mom, brothers
Dean and Chase and me in 2013.
Here's a picture of my family. Chase is 18, and I like to hang out with him. I like to play New Super Mario Bros. U on the Wii U with him. Kayla is 15 and I like to build forts with her. She is a pretty good fort builder. Dean and Jay are on their missions. Even so, Jay is still pretty nice and fun. I remember when me and Jay used to play video games like Mario Kart. I remember when Dean used to mentor me when I was 11. Once Dean took me to Flippin' Out where he used to work, and it was fun. S.M.A.R.P. stands for Super Mario Action Role Play, and my mom is usually the camera woman and we have fun making S.M.A.R.P. videos. I like to build stuff with Sean. I remember one time when we made a wooden analog clock together.

My little sister, Samantha, was born in March 2015. This is me and her just a few days after she was born. 

Both my brothers Jay and Dean served missions for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Jay went to the China Hong Kong Mission, and Dean went to the Philippines Baguio Mission. Click on their pictures below to see their mission blogs!

China Hong Kong Mission

Philippines Baguio Mission

My brother, Chase, is currently serving his mission in the Caribbean. He's pretty awesome. Click the link below to see his mission blog, too! elderchasemikesell.blogspot.com

I also have my dad, Chris, my step-mom Lori and sister Mari. My dad is in the army. He lives in Colorado. Lori is really nice. Mari is 10. She's pretty nice and fun. She likes Barbies and making crafts. 

Me, Dad, Lori and Mari in 2010 after I was baptized.

You may have noticed that I have a trach. It helps me breath. I have a neuromuscular disease, congenital myasthenic syndrome, that makes my muscles get more tired than normal. I actually have a ventilator that helps me breath when I sleep. I was born with my muscle disease, spent four months in the NICU, came home with really no prognosis, mom said, and am doing pretty good.

Me a few hours after being born, one month old in NICU, at home 18 months old and in front of my vent.

Something really cool I got to do this past April was go to Florida for a Make-A-Wish trip. I drove in a limo for the first time, flew on an airplane, got to go to the Kennedy Space Center, got to meet Astronaut Dan Tani (he was really nice), got to go to Disneyworld, got to go on an airboat ride (okay, I admit, I fell asleep on that one) and did lots of other cool stuff. It was really awesome.

Make-A-Wish Trip to Florida's Kennedy Space Center andDisney World April 2013

My favorite video games are Super Mario, Kirby, Sonic, and Pokemon. I am also interested in giving video game trivia facts to the people I know. Just an FYI, I play Sonic games on the virtual console on my Wii. I also like other video games.

So, now you know a little more about me. I hope you like my blog.

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