Friday, July 11, 2014


Super Mario World
Super Nintendo Entertainment System
After I got home from my doctor's appointment at 11:00 a.m., me and my mom decided to take some pictures for my blog. Then I decided to play some more Super Mario World. I beat Roy Koopa of Castle #5 before he could even get up the wall! I'd say that that's pretty impressive. Anyway, at about that time, my brother Chase and sister Kayla came home from their mom's house. Chase watched me play, and then when I was with Mom talking about blog stuff, Chase beat the Choco-Ghost House for me. I still think I could have beaten it, though. Any way, I also found the key in Chocolate Island 2 by using a Cape Feather and Yoshi and running full speed ahead into the pipe, then going to the section with the slopes. I used the Paratroopas as "platforms" and zipped into the next pipe with 262 seconds to spare. Just an FYI, you have to have at least 250 seconds on the clock by the second pipe in the level to find the key leading to the secret exit of Chocolate Island 2, thus leading to the Chocolate Secret Level. I got the key, got through the secret exit, paused my game, and started blogging.

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