Saturday, July 12, 2014


Last night my step-dad, Sean, hooked up an LED Rainbow Showerhead in our bathroom, and this morning was my first time using it. It's pretty cool. These are the different colors it transitions through. I have to say my favorite color is turquoise, shown here the third picture from the left.

One of my chores is taking food scraps to the composter. Not exactly one of my favorite chores.

Guess what? I'm taller than Kayla! Finally! We've been checking our heights regularly.

And I got some shaved ice from Chase. My favorite flavor is Grape, but I wanted Cherry tonight..

Okay, now the moment you've all been waiting for... video games!!!

Sonic the Hedgehog: I was able to beat level 1. At the end of level 1, there's a gigantic ring at the exit. Jump through it and you'll get to play a bonus game where you try to collect as many rings as you can. I also beat level 2, but I can't beat the boss of world 1 in level 3. It might just be hard. I'm just saying.

Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels: This one was also hard. You just really need to think. You can warp to world 2 by going up on the ledge, jumping up to the ceiling, running, and finding Warp Zone, but you need to run at full speed ahead and jump at exactly the right moment. I did get to World 2-3, which is a mild improvement, but other than that, there isn't a lot to say.
Super Mario Bros. 2: This one, unfortunately, was also hard. I can barely even beat World 1 yet! On the bright side, I do have a couple of cheats for you. To beat the boss of World 1, Mouser, it's easy. Just throw bombs back at him that he throws at you 3 times. Bombs won't directly hurt him, but the explosion will. I only hit him once before dying. The second cheat is warping to World 4. In World 1-3, make sure you're at the building place with the door potion and the Ninjis and Tweeters guarding it. Go past the building  and you'll see a jar. Set down the potion, zip into Sub-space, pull up some coins if you want, get on the jar, and go into it. It acts like a warp pipe in Super Mario Bros. and will zip you to World 4-1 in only about 5 seconds flat. Literally. Just beware of the slippery ice!

Okay, this is probably starting to get a little boring, even for me, but I'm basically right outside Bowser's front door. I got a little bit burned out, so I skipped Larry of Castle #7. I'll explain how in my next post. I'm still pretty sure I can beat Larry, though. Anyway, once I beat the game, I'll post it.

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