Monday, November 10, 2014


Okay, I forgot again. Not only that, I had to do the quarter exams and other stuff, and I got such a big brain cramp from the studying and the exams and the homework and the class work that I got a bit rusty on the retro games. I'm still okay, though, in school and hobbies.

I had a sleepover on Friday with my cousin Trey Damewood. He's really nice, and we share a bunch of things in common. We played some video games, watched TV, and went to the park. (Yes, I care about the real world, not just the virtual world.) It was fun.

I didn't get to play much video games, but it was okay.

 Mario Kart 8: I played the Star Cup with Trey, and I wanted to play it with Chase today, but the Wii U wouldn't work on the TV, only the game pad.
 Mario Kart Wii: I just felt like it. I beat the Star Cup on 50cc with 60 points (anyone can)
Super Mario Bros. 2: Okay, don't get me wrong, but I got rusty all of the sudden. I have absolutely no idea why.
 Super Mario Bros. 3: How I got rusty on this I will never know.
 Super Mario World: I beat the first level of the Special World. I tried the second, but I lost.
Super Mario Kart: I only played this to prove to Chase that this was the very first Mario Kart game, and I only played it for a single minute.

Paper Mario: Sticker Star: I beat the first world in about 3 days.

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